We support our partners in developing relevant resilience policy frameworks, strategic plans and business plans that ensure that improvement of food and nutrition security, water security and the environmental and economic resilience of people living in marginal areas. We also ensure that scarce water and land resources are managed in an efficient and sustainable way, thus mitigating climatic, environmental and economic risks.

To that end, we analyze policies, conduct empirical economic analysis, undertake socioeconomic studies on food and nutrition security, and water and land management to provide tailor-made advices and recommendations based on evidence. Our efforts focus assessing, developing and managing resilient arid-agriculture, water conservation, land, and climate change. We, in ARCSO, also assess opportunities to enhance value-added market supply chains.

ARCSO supports government agencies in developing their resilient agricultural policies and strategies, food security policies, and food security investment strategies, and Food Security action plans to enhance food and nutrition security.

These plans address key issues and challenges facing the water and agricultural sectors in the targeted communities and develop the opportunities to overcome these constraints. The key outcomes of these strategic plans are a range of management options, scenarios, and possible trade-offs, based on which decision makers determined the main initiatives to implement.